Chamdor Red 750ml


Type: Non-alcoholic Sweet White

Alcohol Content: 0% ABV

Country of Origin: South Africa

Chamdor Red 750ML invites you to savor the exquisite taste of sparkling grape wine without the influence of alcohol.

Crafted from the highest quality grapes, this non-alcoholic delight brings you the essence of sweet wine in every sip, ensuring that you can indulge in the finer things in life without compromise.

Brought to life as an alcohol-free alternative, Chamdor Red captures the essence of red wine in a captivating manner.

It boasts a deep ruby color that beckons you to explore its depths, revealing ripe, black cherry-scented aromas that tantalize the senses.

What sets Chamdor apart is its ability to offer a symphony of flavors, including bright grape and cherry fruit notes, accompanied by an intriguing smoky flavor.

This harmonious blend is carefully crafted to provide a smooth and rich experience that lingers with a fruity finish.

Chamdor Red is more than just a beverage; it’s a companion for your culinary adventures.

Whether paired with salmon, turkey, chicken, ham dishes, pasta, pizza, or grilled meats, it enhances the flavors of your meals.

This alcohol-removed wine brings you all the health benefits typically associated with red wine, combined with the delightful taste of berry juice.

This sparkling grape juice is a celebration of quality, stemming from the careful selection of grape varieties.

Chenin Blanc and Muscat grapes, sourced from the vineyards in the Robertson wine district, bring their high sugar concentration and low acidity to create a fine, smooth, and bubbly sensation.

Chamdor Red 750ML is your invitation to a world of elegance and taste.

Whether enjoyed on its own or as the perfect complement to your favorite dishes, this alcohol-free sparkling grape wine promises a delightful journey for your palate.

With every sip, elevate your senses and celebrate the joys of fine living, without the influence of alcohol.

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